Hello All! Although we cannot physically make it to some trip sites, we can visit them virtually.
Please answer the following question so I can tally which site we will visit next. For Level 2 and 3, please use the multiple choice in Level 1 for guidance.
Level 1: Which virtual tour would you like to see next?
a). San Diego Zoo
b). Mars
c). Ellis Island
d). 360 Cities
e). Smithsonian
Level 2: I would like to tour _________________________________________________________.
Level 3: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Please answer the following question so I can tally which site we will visit next. For Level 2 and 3, please use the multiple choice in Level 1 for guidance.
Level 1: Which virtual tour would you like to see next?
a). San Diego Zoo
b). Mars
c). Ellis Island
d). 360 Cities
e). Smithsonian
Level 2: I would like to tour _________________________________________________________.
Level 3: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.