Tuesday, November 14, 2017

WLG HW 10.31

Name:                                                           Date:                      

Parents Signature: ______________

Level 1: “You ain't never gonna do it. You'll
jus' stick around an' stew the b'Jesus outa George all the time."

Level 2: "You jus' say that," she said sharply. "You're always sayin' that,
an' you know sonofabitching well you ain't never gonna do it. You'll
jus' stick around an' stew the b'Jesus outa George all the time."

Level 3: Lennie moaned with grief. "I know, Aunt Clara, ma'am. I'll go
right off in the hills an' I'll fin' a cave an' I'll live there so I  won't be no more trouble to George." "You jus' say that," she said sharply. "You're always sayin' that, an' you know sonofabitching well you ain't never gonna do it. You'll  jus' stick around an' stew the b'Jesus outa George all the time."

Answer the following questions:

Level 1: What does Aunt Clara tell Lennie?
a) “You ain’t never gonna do it.”
b) “You are going to do it.”
c) “You cannot do it”.

Level 2: What does Aunt Clara tell Lennie?
Aunt Clara tells Lennie ____________________________________________.

Level 3: Why do you think Aunt Clara tells Lennie he will not leave George alone?

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