Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Theatre HW 11.1

Student Name: ___________________             Date: ____________________

Your Mood: ____________________


Read the following excerpt from “A Quilt of a Country” by Anna Quindlen

“Of all the nations in the world, the United States was built in nobody’s image,” the historian Daniel Boorstin wrote.

Level 1: What do you think is meant by this quote?
a). the United States is made up of bits and pieces of everyone
b). the Unites States does not have an identity.
c). the United States was built in someone’s image.

Level 2: What do you think is meant by this quote?
I think this quote means _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Level 3: Why do you think the historian who created the quote says “the United States was built in nobody’s image”?

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