Thursday, November 16, 2017

ADL HW 11.9

Student Name: _____________________                                   Date: ____________


Your Mood: _______________________________

Parents Signature: ____________________


Read the following excerpt from "A Quilt of a Country" by Anna Quindlen


"Many of the oft-told stories of the most pluralistic nation on the earth are stories not of tolerance, but of bigotry".


Pluralistic: Consisting of many ethnic and cultural groups.



Level 1: What does pluralistic mean?

a). consisting of one ethnic and cultural group

b). consisting of many ethnic and cultural groups.

c). consisting of no ethnic and cultural groups.


Level 2: How were cultures tolerated in pluralistic nations?




Level 3: Pluralistic means the consisting of many ethnic and cultural groups. Why do you think pluralistic nations had trouble tolerating others? 

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