Thursday, September 07, 2017

HW for 9.7.17

Hello Students!! Welcome back to MSCD for the 2017-18 school year!
You will find homework for Work, Learn & Grow/Theatre/ADL.

Please see the homework below: 

Work. Learn & Grow:

Level 1: 1. What is the importance of the Department of Labor?
a. They create plays.
b. They work with the president.
c. They are boring.
d. They protect the rights of employees.

Level 2: 1. Write 2 sentences explaining the importance of the Department of Labor and what the department has control over.

Level 3: Analyze and discuss the role the Department of Labor has played within the American workforce. 


Level 1:  Pick five words that describe yourself.

Level 2: Write 3-5 sentences describing what you feel defines yourself.

Level 3: What does self-discovery mean to you? Write no less than 5 sentences.


Level 1-3: Bring clothes to class from home that need to be washed. Please make sure to refrain from bringing in undergarments or inappropriate attire. 

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February 9th, 2021