Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Activities of Daily Living HW 10.12

Student Name: ___________________        Date: ______________
Mood: ________________     Parents Signature: ___________________


Level 1: How can our nutrition be affected?

Level 2:Why is nutrition important?

Level 3: Analyze why it is better to consume healthy and nutritional food rather than junk food.

Activity of Daily Living HW 10.16

Student Name: ____________________                                Date: _____________________
Mood: __________________________             Parents Signature: __________________________


Answer the following questions:

Level 1: What is the title of this recipe?
a). Cooking Frozen Candy
b). Cooking Frozen Smores
c). Cooking Frozen Chocolate Chips

Level 2: What are the ingredients of this recipe? Be specific.
The ingredients of this recipe are _____________________________________________.

Level 3: Why is it important to measure the ingredients?

Activities of Daily Living HW 10.25

Student Name: _____________________                  Date: ____________

Your Mood: _______________________________


Level 1: List what you see in this photo.

Level 2: What is wrong in this picture?
____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________.

Level 3: Why would this kitchen be considered unsafe?
_____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

February 9th, 2021